La Colonial 1861vsCubanacan Marazul
Both hotels are highly recommended by experts. On balance, Hotel MarAzul is preferred by most professionals compared to La Colonial 1861. Hotel MarAzul has a TripExpert Score of 78 with endorsements from 3 sources such as Lonely Planet, Frommer's and Oyster.
La Colonial 1861
C/ 10 #60 e/3ra y 5ta, Vedado, Cuba, Havana 02000, Cuba
From $0/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"It's unusual to find a house this old in western Vedado, so make the most of the 1861, whose four private rooms are a riot of wrought-iron, stained glass and mosaic floor tiles." Full review
"The upper-middle-range La Colonial 1861 offers an authentic Cuban casa experience in a pretty private home, with a boutique-hotel vibe and artful flair." Full review
Cubanacan Marazul
Ave Sur y Las Terrazas, Santa Maria del Mar, Havana, Cuba
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Concierge
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Multilingual
- Air Conditioning
"This imposing, five-story hotel stretches on for a hundred yards or so in each direction from its blocky concrete lobby." Full review
Lonely Planet
"The main (only) benefit for the terribly unfussy is the price (cheap) and the location (you could hit a big home run onto the beach from here)." Full review
"For cash-strapped travelers intent on splitting their time between the beach and Havana, this dingy, 188-room budget all-inclusive hotel from the '70s might fit the bill." Full review