Melia HabanavsHotel Deauville
Both properties are highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Melia Habana is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Deauville. Melia Habana has a TripExpert Score of 89 with positive reviews from 6 sources like Frommer's, Lonely Planet and Rough Guide.
Melia Habana
Ave 3era, e/ 76 y 80, Miramar.Playa, Havana 11300, Cuba
From $275/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"This modern luxury hotel is set on a coral ledge on the edge of the Caribbean." Full review
Star Service
"Most staffers are courteous and conscientious, and above-average service (at least for Cuba) is the norm. " Full review
Rough Guide
"Very professional hotel in the heart of the business district."
"One of the city's stellar, modern properties frequented by business and leisure travelers." Full review
"The upscale, 397-room Melia Habana has a firm place as one of the top handful of hotels in Havana, along with the Parque Central, Melia Cohiba, and Hotel Nacional." Full review
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"A little brutal from the outside but beautiful within, Miramar's Hotel Meliá Habana is one of the city's best-run and best-equipped accommodations options" Full review
Hotel Deauville
Galiano 1, Havana 10400, Cuba
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Breakfast
- Concierge
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Free Parking
"This place doesn't look like much from the outside and things don't get significantly better inside." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A long-term fixture on the Malecón, this former Mafia gambling den doesn't quite match up to the stellar views." Full review
Rough Guide
"Plain, seafront, high-rise hotel with the brightest and best-appointed rooms among the relatively modest selection in Centro Habana, many with fantastic views of the Malecón, Habana Vieja and Vedado."
"Such a good deal that the clientele is usually an interesting collection of students, professors, and the occasional writer. What's more, the disco is one of the city's hottest."
"The lower-middle-range Hotel Deauville is an iconic Art Deco landmark with a colorful mob history and an incredible address -- right on the Malecon, overlooking Havana Bay." Full review