The Restaurant at Hotel Conde de Villanueva
The restaurant at Hotel Conde de Villanueva is acknowledged by expert reviewers. Out of 6 reviews that we monitored, 4 mentioned the restaurant, like Frommer's, Rough Guide and Fodor's.
Hotel Conde de Villanueva
Rough Guide
"The semiformal Vuelta Abajo restaurant serves good Cuban cuisine, and there's a wonderful, shady little park just across the street"
"Despite its relatively small
size this place packs in several other charming
communal spaces, including a fantastic cellar-style
restaurant and a courtyard heaving with plants"
"The restaurant, Vuelta Abajo, specializes in country cooking from Pinar del Río and Viñales"
"For a bit more money, Hotel Ambos Mundos offers more sophistication and a stunning rooftop restaurant"