Residencia del SolvsPan American Hotel
Both hotels are praised by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Pan American Hotel is preferred by most reviewers compared to Residencia del Sol. Pan American Hotel scores 82 with praise from 2 reviews like Lonely Planet, Fodor's.
Residencia del Sol
3ra Calle 6-42 Zona 9, Guatemala City 01009, Guatemala
From $79/night
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Free Parking
- 24-hour front desk
Lonely Planet
"The spacious, good-looking rooms here make up for the slightly out-of-the-way location. Some rooms have wooden floorboards and a balcony. There's a restaurant onsite." Full review
Pan American Hotel
9A Calle 5-63, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
From $38/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Multilingual
"To step into the dark-wood lobby of this former mansion is to leave the confusion of the city behind." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Guatemala City's only luxury hotel before WWII, the Pan American is one of the few hotels in the city with any air of history." Full review
Avoid rooms facing the noisy street.