
Fortuna RoyalvsHotel Excel

Both hotels are praised by those who travel for a living. Overall, Fortuna Royal scores marginally higher than Hotel Excel. Fortuna Royal is ranked #17 in Guatemala City with positive reviews from 1 reviewers such as Fodor's.

Fortuna Royal
12 Calle 8-42, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
From $0/night
Fodor's Fodor's
"This hotel has succeeded where few others have by offering comfortable accommodations for a reasonable rate, making it a favorite of Central American business travelers." Full review
Hotel Excel
9 Avenida 15-12 Zona 1, Guatemala City 01001, Guatemala
From $23/night
  • Laundry Service
  • Restaurant
  • Family Friendly
show all amenities
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The Excel's bright, modern motel style may be a bit bland for some, but the rooms are spotless and the showers blast hot water." Full review

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