
Hotel CaprivsFortuna Royal

Hotel Capri and Fortuna Royal are both rated very highly by professional travelers. Overall, Fortuna Royal is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Capri. Fortuna Royal ranks #17 in Guatemala City with positive reviews from 1 sources such as Fodor's.

Hotel Capri
9. Avenida 15-63, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
From $29/night
  • Restaurant
  • Family Friendly
show all amenities
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"This modern four-story number is in a decent location and rooms are set back from the street, so they're quiet." Full review
Fortuna Royal
12 Calle 8-42, Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
From $0/night
Fodor's Fodor's
"This hotel has succeeded where few others have by offering comfortable accommodations for a reasonable rate, making it a favorite of Central American business travelers." Full review

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