Hotel San Francisco PlazavsHotel Posada San Pablo
Both hotels are rated highly by travel writers. On balance, Hotel Posada San Pablo is the choice of most professionals compared to Hotel San Francisco Plaza. Hotel Posada San Pablo has a TripExpert Score of 74 with praise from 2 publications such as Rough Guide, Lonely Planet.
Hotel San Francisco Plaza
Degollado 267, Guadalajara 44100
From $29/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
"The bright, leafy enclosed courtyard twittering with the sound of parakeets goes with the beautifully polished exterior." Full review
Michelin Guide
"Another hotel near San Francisco, Combining modern comforts with the pleasures of a restored Colonial house with interior patios and fountains. The best rooms have balconies."
Hotel Posada San Pablo
Madero 429, btwn Donato Guerra and Ocampo, Guadalajara 44100
From $21/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Air Conditioning
- Baggage storage
Rough Guide
"Spotless rooms around a covered courtyard, but only the upstairs rooms with shared bathrooms have outside windows. Ring the bell at the front door for entrance."