Hotel San Francisco PlazavsHotel Canada
Both Hotel San Francisco Plaza and Hotel Canada are recommended by expert reviewers. On balance, Hotel San Francisco Plaza ranks slightly better than Hotel Canada. Hotel San Francisco Plaza has a TripExpert Score of 70 with recommendations from 2 sources such as Lonely Planet, Michelin Guide.
Hotel San Francisco Plaza
Degollado 267, Guadalajara 44100
From $29/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
"The bright, leafy enclosed courtyard twittering with the sound of parakeets goes with the beautifully polished exterior." Full review
Michelin Guide
"Another hotel near San Francisco, Combining modern comforts with the pleasures of a restored Colonial house with interior patios and fountains. The best rooms have balconies."
Hotel Canada
Estadio No. 77, Guadalajara
From $0/night
- Family Friendly
Rough Guide
"One of dozens of hotels surrounding the old bus station, this large place is pretty good value with the bonus of the excellent Restaurante Ottawa and some slightly nicer “suites”."