Hotel la RotondavsHamilton Hotel
Both hotels are rated very highly by writers. Overall, Hotel la Rotonda ranks slightly higher than Hamilton Hotel. Hotel la Rotonda comes in at 76 with approval from 3 sources like Lonely Planet, Michelin Guide and DK Eyewitness.
Hotel la Rotonda
Liceo # 130, Zona Centro, Guadalajara 44100
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
Michelin Guide
"Only a short walk from the central plazas, this hotel has been attractively modernized and has particularly helpful service. Modern, Friendly and functional."
DK Eyewitness
"Just a block and a half from the Cathedral, this former convent makes a fine little hotel."
Lonely Planet
"Two stories of attractively tiled rooms with hardwood furnishings surround a bright colonial stone courtyard... The location is great and the staff friendly."
Hamilton Hotel
Avenida Madero, 381, Zona Centro, Guadalajara 44100
From $0/night
Rough Guide
"Clean and friendly, the Hamilton is very cheap and consequently a popular spot with backpackers and young Mexican couples."