Casa Pedro LozavsHotel Chapala Country
Both Casa Pedro Loza and Hotel Chapala Country are highly recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Hotel Chapala Country is the choice of most writers compared to Casa Pedro Loza. Hotel Chapala Country comes in at 67 with recommendations from 1 reviewers such as Rough Guide.
Casa Pedro Loza
Calle Pedro Loza, 360, Colonia Centro Historico, Guadalajara 44200
From $80/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
"Housed in an impressive colonial mansion in a charming part of the Centro Histórico, this hotel is a bit away from the action and a titch attitudy. The 12 rooms are each wildly different." Full review
Hotel Chapala Country
Kilometro 39 Carretera Guadalajara-Chapala, Chapala 45900, Mexico
From $41/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Family Friendly
- Air Conditioning
Rough Guide
"Around the corner from the Ana-Isabel, with small but neat rooms, all equipped with a TV and ceiling fan."