Palacio Cabrera-LillovsHotel M.A. Princesa Ana
Both hotels are rated very highly by writers. On balance, Palacio Cabrera-Lillo ranks marginally higher than Hotel M.A. Princesa Ana. Palacio Cabrera-Lillo ranks #30 in Granada with approval from 1 reviews including The Telegraph.
Palacio Cabrera-Lillo
Puente de Castaneda 4, 18004 Granada, Spain
From $88/night
- Multilingual
- Kitchenette
- Air Conditioning
- Flatscreen TV
- Safe
- Refrigerator
The Telegraph
"A terrific little find on Granada’s self-catering scene." Full review
Hotel M.A. Princesa Ana
Avenida de la Constitucion 37, 18014 Granada
From $53/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
"Only 200m (656 ft.) from the train station, this four-story, government-rated four-star hotel is one of the leading choices of Granada, yet charges reasonable rates." Full review