Palacio Cabrera-LillovsHotel Casa del Capitel Nazari
Both properties are rated very highly by travel writers. Overall, Hotel Casa del Capitel Nazari ranks significantly higher than Palacio Cabrera-Lillo. Hotel Casa del Capitel Nazari is ranked #13 in Granada with positive reviews from 4 publications including Frommer's, Rough Guide and Lonely Planet.
Palacio Cabrera-Lillo
Puente de Castaneda 4, 18004 Granada, Spain
From $88/night
- Multilingual
- Kitchenette
- Air Conditioning
- Flatscreen TV
- Safe
- Refrigerator
The Telegraph
"A terrific little find on Granada’s self-catering scene." Full review
Hotel Casa del Capitel Nazari
Cuesta Aceituneros, 6, Junto a Plaza Nueva, 18010 Granada
From $59/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"It's like having your own Renaissance home... in the chic location of Albaicín, close to the Plaza Nueva and a five-minute walk from the cathedral and Capilla Real."
Rough Guide
"Another beautiful sixteenth-century palacio transformed into an enchanting small hotel with elegant rooms overlooking a triple-tiered patio; room 22 has an Alhambra view."
"In a private, patio-centered home built at least 400 years ago... it's a cozy, appealing mixture of antique and modern." Full review
Lonely Planet
"More Albayzín magic in a 1503 Renaissance palace that’s as much architectural history lesson as plush hotel." Full review