Hotel CairolivsHotel della Posta
Both Hotel Cairoli and Hotel della Posta are recommended by those who travel for a living. Overall, Hotel Cairoli scores significantly better than Hotel della Posta. Hotel Cairoli has a TripExpert Score of 81 with praise from 5 publications such as Frommer's, DK Eyewitness and Rough Guide.
Hotel Cairoli
Via Cairoli 14/4, 16124 Genoa
From $59/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
"The small rooms are extremely pleasant... The friendly management gives it the homey feel of an upscale youth hostel." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"Housed in a 16th-century palazzo, the two-star Cairoli offers excellent facilities for its price category, with family rooms, suites and a terrace overlooking the church of San Filipo Neri."
Rough Guide
"A superior three-star, whose brightly furnished, modern, en-suite rooms are soundproof. There’s also a roof terrace and two apartments for rent. One of the city’s best deals."
Michelin Guide
"Rooms aren't large but there's a good terrace and a small gym plus a handy location in the historic centre."
Lonely Planet
"The whole package is centrally located and a snip at the price." Full review
Hotel della Posta
Via Balbi 24, 16100 Genoa
From $53/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Family Friendly
- Air Conditioning
- Accessible
Lonely Planet
"No real surprises at this reliable hotel 150m from Stazione Principe, though it's clean, safe and relatively friendly for such a transient quarter." Full review