Hanza HotelvsDom Harcerza
Both hotels are recommended by expert reviewers. Overall, Hanza Hotel ranks significantly better than Dom Harcerza. Hanza Hotel ranks #2 in Gdansk with praise from 3 sources including Lonely Planet, Oyster and Fodor's.
Hanza Hotel
6 Tokarska Street, Gdansk 80888, Poland
From $49/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Lonely Planet
"Acceptable rooms for this price range, oversize bathrooms and pleasant staff." Full review
"This hotel has the best location in town in a spanking new building set right on the Motława Canal." Full review
"The upscale Hanza Hotel is a 60-room property exceptionally located right along the Motlawa River in Old Town in easy walking distance to restaurants, shops, and popular attractions." Full review
Dom Harcerza
ul. Za Murami 2/10, Gdansk 80 823, Poland
From $0/night
Lonely Planet
"Though occupying a former cinema, the 75-bed ‘Scouts’ House’ has a decidedly un-Hollywood feel." Full review