Dwor Artusa
6 expert reviews
“ Its name is evocative of the Knights of the Round Table with whom the rich merchants identified due to their democratic modus operandi. Today the museum is home to works of art. ”
– Michelin Guide
"The house dates from the 14th century but was remodeled several times, including once in the 19th century when it was given its neo-Gothic look to be in vogue with the prevailing trends." Full review
"Rising in all its embellished grandeur behind the Neptune Fountain, the Artus Court is perhaps the single best-known house in Gdańsk." Full review
"Behind the Fontanna Neptuna on Długi Targ, one of the more significant of the grand houses was constructed over a period from the 15th through the 17th centuries and is now a museum. " Full review
"A merchant court dedicated to the fictitious King Arthur is heavily adorned with bizarre Renaissance art. " Full review
"In the main hall, the over 10m-tall (33-ft.) Renaissance furnace dates from mid-16th century...slip through the back door to find the small yard with samples of Gothic stone portals." Full review