
Old Town vs Abbots Palace

Both are rated highly by professional reviewers. On balance, Old Town is preferred by most professionals compared to Abbots Palace. Old Town scores 80 with recommendations from 3 sources like Michelin Guide, Michelin Guide and Lonely Planet.

Old Town
Old Town
7 / 10
Gdansk, Poland
From $0 /night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"The Old Town Hall was once the seat of the Old Town council." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
2 Stars
"In the Old Town only a handful of reconstructed buildings emerge from the modernised urban fabric." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
2 Stars
"Built between 1587 and 1595, the building remains associated with the famous astronomer - and brewer - Jan Heweliusz (1611-1687)." Full review
Abbots Palace
Abbots Palace
8 / 10
ul. Cystersow 18, Gdansk 80-330, Poland
From $0 /night
Fodor's Fodor's
"Two museums can be found in a beautiful park surrounding the cathedral in Oliwa in the former Abbots' Palace." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"The collection includes works by Henryk Stazewski (1894-1988), leader of the Blok movement. Next door, in what used to be the abbey granary, is the Ethnographic Museum." Full review