Quinta Das Vistas Palace GardensvsHotel do Carmo
Both Quinta Das Vistas Palace Gardens and Hotel do Carmo are recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Hotel do Carmo is preferred by most professionals compared to Quinta Das Vistas Palace Gardens. Hotel do Carmo has a TripExpert Score of 78 with endorsements from 2 publications like Oyster, Frommer's.
Quinta Das Vistas Palace Gardens
Caminho de Santo Antonio 52, Funchal, Madeira 9000187, Portugal
From $176/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
"One of the grandest hotels to open in Funchal is this pocket of posh created from a landmark manor house that stands on the brow of a hill opening onto panoramic vistas of the Atlantic." Full review
Michelin Guide
"A most classy hotel in an excellent position above Funchal. ... You'll find a full range of facilities, including a beautiful south-facing swimming pool."
Hotel do Carmo
Travessa do Rego 10, Funchal, Madeira 9054-512 , Portugal
From $64/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
- Smoking Rooms
"The Hotel do Carmo provides modern accommodations in the center of Funchal." Full review
"The three-and-a-half-pearl Hotel do Carmo is a stylish boutique property with a central Funchal location." Full review