The Pool at Pastis Hotel St Tropez

The pool at Pastis Hotel St Tropez is endorsed by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Out of 5 reviews that we tracked, 3 endorsed the pool, including Frommer's, Lonely Planet and Oyster.

Pastis Hotel St Tropez
7 / 10
Frommer's Frommer's
"British owners John and Pauline Larkin have arranged their private collection of Matisse prints, vintage photographs, 1970s framed album artwork, and Provençal antiques in and around the guest-only lounge and inspired guestrooms surrounding the courtyard swimming pool"
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"You’ll die for the pop art–inspired interior, and long for a swim in the emerald-green pool"
Oyster Oyster
"The building itself is a Provençal beauty, and the palm-fringed pool area behind it oozes St"
From $273 / night
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