Museo Giovanni Boldini

Top 4% of attractions in Ferrara
7 / 10

5 expert reviews

“A perfect conclusion to your cathedral tour is a visit to this museum which accommodates two statues by Jacopo della Quercia.”

– Michelin Guide

Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Home to the most important collection of art by Belle Époque Ferrarese master Giovanni Boldini." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
0 Stars
"The house of Ariosto (1474-1533) flanked by a garden in which the poet grew roses and jasmine, is today a small museum devoted to the author of Roland the furious." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"Do not miss the Loggia of orange trees (entry via the garden) with its vault decorated with a trompe-l'oeil pergola." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"Built in the late 14C, this palace harbours the frescoes of the admirable Room of the Months, of which only a part remains." Full review