
Dakota EdinburghvsSix Brunton Place Guest House

Both properties are recommended by reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Six Brunton Place Guest House is the choice of most reviewers compared to Dakota Edinburgh. Six Brunton Place Guest House is ranked #49 in Edinburgh with approval from 2 sources such as The Telegraph, Oyster.

Dakota Edinburgh
Ferrymuir Retail Park, South Queensferry, Edinburgh EH30 9QZ, Scotland
From $104/night
  • Pet Friendly
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Laundry Service
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Oyster Oyster
"The upscale, 132-room Dakota Edinburgh is a fabulously stylish hotel, seven miles from the airport, in what, from the outside, appears to be a forbidding black cube." Full review
The Telegraph The Telegraph
"A sinister black tower in an unprepossessing retail park just south of the Forth bridges hides a sleek and sexy hotel." Full review
Six Brunton Place Guest House
6 Brunton Place, Edinburgh EH7 5EG, Scotland
From $0/night
  • Free Internet
  • Free Breakfast
  • Breakfast included
  • Baggage storage
  • Bathrobes
  • Flatscreen TV
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Oyster Oyster
"Six Brunton Place is a beautifully presented property set in a typically Edinburgh Georgian townhouse on the outskirts of the city center." Full review
The Telegraph The Telegraph
"Goldilocks could not help but approve of such carefully appointed bedrooms, where everything is just right." Full review

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