City Lodge Hotel DurbanvsDurban Elephant
Both hotels are praised by professional reviewers writing for major publications. Overall, Durban Elephant ranks significantly higher than City Lodge Hotel Durban. Durban Elephant ranks #10 in Durban with accolades from 1 sources such as Frommer's.
City Lodge Hotel Durban
Cnr Silvester Ntuli and K.E. Masinga, Durban 4056, South Africa
From $49/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Room Service
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
Lonely Planet
"Decent value...Lower rates are offered for online bookings." Full review
DK Eyewitness
"This reliable chain hotel strikes the right balance between corporate and leisure hospitality."
Durban Elephant
330 Cato Rd, Durban 4001, South Africa
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Pool
- Free Parking
- Air Conditioning
"With panoramic views of the harbor, bluff, and Indian Ocean, this grand old Edwardian property, set in lush tropical gardens (often visited by monkeys), offers the best-value stay in Durban." Full review