Suncoast TowersvsAudacia Manor Boutique Hotel
Both Audacia Manor Boutique Hotel and Suncoast Towers are recommended by professional reviewers writing for major publications. On balance, Suncoast Towers scores slightly higher than Audacia Manor Boutique Hotel. Suncoast Towers scores 76 with approval from 2 sources like Lonely Planet, Fodor's.
Suncoast Towers
20 Battery Beach Road, Durban, 4001, Durban 4001, South Africa
From $103/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Restaurant
Lonely Planet
"A safe, if businesslike, bet. It has over 100 sleek and contemporary rooms with flash trimmings. Be aware that... the bathrooms are incorporated into the bedrooms themselves." Full review
"This hotel is a stone's throw from the beach, and... it's designed in the art-deco style of the 1930s. ... The sea views from the higher floors are spectacular." Full review
Mediterranean cuisine is a speciality at The Riviera, but look out for local favorites as an option.
Audacia Manor Boutique Hotel
11 Sir Arthur Road, Morningside, Durban 4001, South Africa
From $65/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
DK Eyewitness
"Built in 1928, this restored family home in a secluded cul-de-sac is the grande-dame of the Durban hotel scene, exuding a genteel charm."