Ansteys Beach Self Catering and BackpackersvsRain Farm Game and Lodge
Both properties are recommended by travel writers. Overall, Rain Farm Game and Lodge is the choice of most reviewers compared to Ansteys Beach Back Packers. Rain Farm Game and Lodge has a TripExpert Score of 83 with approval from 1 reviews such as Frommer's.
Ansteys Beach Self Catering and Backpackers
477 Marine Drive, Bluff, Durban, South Africa
From $0/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
"This messy backpackers has a hotchpotch of sleeping choices... but it’s a hot place to be (in every sense – the walls are thin and they are party happy) and handy to the beach for the surf rats."
Rain Farm Game and Lodge
Esenembe Road, F9 Rain Farm, Umhlali, Durban 4390, South Africa
From $61/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Shuttle Bus
- Restaurant
- Pool
- Family Friendly
- Free Parking
"Surrounded by secluded indigenous coastal forest, with a private-access beach and golf course, Zimbali is inspired by the architecture of tropical climates." Full review