Ibaia Et Arramak Boutique Guest HousevsPension Amaiur
Both Pension Amaiur and Ibaia Et Arramak Boutique Guest House are rated highly by those who travel for a living. Overall, Ibaia Et Arramak Boutique Guest House scores slightly higher than Pension Amaiur. Ibaia Et Arramak Boutique Guest House comes in at #28 in Donostia-San Sebastian with positive reviews from 1 sources like The Telegraph.
Ibaia Et Arramak Boutique Guest House
Calle Larramendi 2, 20006 San Sebastian - Donostia, Spain
From $0/night
- Baggage storage
- Flatscreen TV
- Car hire
The Telegraph
"Ibaia Et Arramak is the Millennial version of a traditional Spanish pensión." Full review
Pension Amaiur
31 de Agosto, 44, 20003 Donostia-San Sebastian
From $48/night
- Free Internet
- Kitchenette
- Flatscreen TV
Rough Guide
"Classic old-style budget hotel, in a venerable old house deep in the warren-like streets of the old town. All the rooms differ in size... None is en suite, but each shares a bathroom with one other."
Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"A top-notch guesthouse in a prime old-town location, Amaiur has bright floral wallpapers and bathrooms tiled in Andalucían blue and white." Full review