Okako HotelvsHotel Zaragoza Plaza
Both Hotel Zaragoza Plaza and Okako Hotel are praised by expert reviewers. Overall, Okako Hotel is the choice of most writers compared to Hotel Zaragoza Plaza. Okako Hotel is ranked #26 in Donostia-San Sebastian with positive reviews from 1 sources such as The Telegraph.
Okako Hotel
Iztueta, 7, 20001 San Sebastian - Donostia, Spain
From $125/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Restaurant
- Air Conditioning
The Telegraph
"Okako is one for the artsy types." Full review
Hotel Zaragoza Plaza
Plaza Zaragoza 3, 20007 Donostia-San Sebastian
From $52/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Air Conditioning
- Minibar
- Beach
"The Hotel Zaragoza Plaza is a budget property that occupies two floors of an apartment block overlooking a leafy square." Full review