Casual del Jazz San SebastianvsHotel La Galeria
Both properties are rated very highly by travel writers. Overall, Hotel La Galeria is preferred by most reviewers compared to Hotel Arrizul Urumea. Hotel La Galeria is ranked #12 in Donostia-San Sebastian with recommendations from 3 sources like Lonely Planet, The Telegraph and DK Eyewitness.
Casual del Jazz San Sebastian
Paseo Urumea 15 | Junto al Puente Lehendakari Agirre, 20014 San Sebastian - Donostia, Spain
From $69/night
- Pet Friendly
- Free Internet
- Concierge
- Smoking Rooms
- Multilingual
- Air Conditioning
"The 25-room Hotel Arrizul Urumea is a simple two-and-a-half-pearl property located on the Urumea River." Full review
Hotel La Galeria
Infanta Cristina, 1-3, 20008 Donostia-San Sebastian
From $66/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Free Parking
- Dry Cleaning
DK Eyewitness
"This late 19th-century French-style building is situated on Ondarreta beach and offers views of La Concha bay. ... It has two charming attic rooms."
The Telegraph
"This 23-room hotel is for guests who appreciate a bit of quirkiness." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Located a few steps from the beach, Hotel La Galeria has a peaceful location for those wanting to bask on the seaside" Full review