Hotel Casona Les PleiadesvsTika Wasi Casa Boutique
Both properties are rated highly by travel writers. On balance, Hotel Casona les Pleiades is preferred by most professionals compared to Tika Wasi Casa Boutique. Hotel Casona les Pleiades scores 74 with recommendations from 2 reviewers such as Lonely Planet, Frommer's.
Hotel Casona Les Pleiades
Calle Tandapata 116, Cusco, Peru
From $77/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Smoking Rooms
"A small, French-owned boutique hotel tucked away on a pedestrian-only, hilly street in the San Blas neighborhood, this agreeable place is a relaxed refuge." Full review
Lonely Planet
"A pleasant French-run B&B with a sunny courtyard featuring fresh flowers and balcony seating." Full review
Tika Wasi Casa Boutique
Calle Tandapata 491, Cusco, Peru
From $42/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"This clean and attractive inn has a cafeteria, comfortable carpeted rooms, a TV lounge, room service (another rarity among small hostales), and laundry service." Full review
Lonely Planet
"Behind a tall wall, this modern inn offers a personable option. Rooms are bright and airy, overlooking small, sunny decks to hang out on." Full review