San Gervasio Mayan Archaeological Site
6 expert reviews
“Small temples are scattered around the island, with the largest concentration at San Gervasio, midway between central Cozumel and its east coast. ”
– Concierge
"Rising from the jungle, these temples make up Cozumel's largest remaining Mayan and Toltec site. " Full review
Be sure to see the temple "Las Manitas," with red handprints all over its altar.
"Modest compared with those on the." Full review
"Located on Cozumel, it was important to Maya women because the site was where the worship of Ixchel, goddess of fertility and childbirth, was centered. Many would make pilgrimages to ask her favor." Full review
Many women, in fact, would make pilgrimages to San Gervasio to pay tribute to Ixchel and ask for her favor.
"This small Maya site (100 b.c.–a.d. 1600) was once an important ceremonial center." Full review
"Its structures are small and crude, and the clay idols of Ixchel were long ago destroyed by the Spaniards." Full review