Garinish Island
5 expert reviews
“John Annan Bryce, purchased this rocky isle, and, with the help of famed English architect... transformed it into a botanical Disneyland.”
– Fodor's
Top Choice
"Subtropical plants flourish in the rich soil and warm climate of the magical Italianate garden on Garinish Island, with camellias, magnolias and rhododendrons providing a seasonal blaze of colour."
"From the pier opposite the Eccles Hotel." Full review
Top choice
"This horticultural miracle of an island was created in the early 20th century when the island's owner commissioned architect Harold Peto to design a garden on the then-barren outcrop." Full review
"Officially known as Ilnacullin, but usually referred to as Garnish (or “Garinish”), this little island is a beautiful and tranquil place" Full review