Thorvaldsens Museum
7 expert reviews
“Visit his majestic museum, with finished pieces and casts of most of his work, including the iconic Christ statue.”
– Travel + Leisure
"The oldest art gallery in Denmark... houses the greatest collection of the works of Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844), the biggest name in neoclassical sculpture." Full review
Top choice
"After four decades in Rome, Thorvaldsen returned to Copenhagen and donated his private collection to the Danish public." Full review
"The 19th-century artist Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770–1844) is buried at the center of this museum in a simple, ivy-covered tomb." Full review
2 Stars
"Built in a deliberately neo-Classical style in homage to the artist, this museum... provides a fascinating insight into the art of his time." Full review
"Artist Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) grew up in Copenhagen but spent most of his career in Rome, where there was huge demand for his neoclassical sculptures." Full review
"Denmark’s oldest museum, a charming institution founded in 1848, has a golden-hued facade, ornate ceilings, and mosaic floors." Full review
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