Cologne Cathedral
7 expert reviews
“No trip to Köln is complete without a visit to Der Dom.”
– Afar Magazine
"This enormous and enormously remarkable structure is the star of Cologne, the city celebrity with top billing." Full review
"Built to house what are believed to be the relics of the Magi, the three kings who paid homage to the infant Jesus." Full review
The other great treasure of the cathedral... is the Gero Cross, a monumental oak crucifix dating from 971.
3 Stars
"Its construction lasted more than 600 years (1248-1880). The solemn inauguration finally took place in 1880 in the presence of Emperer William I." Full review
"Climb the stairs and make your way to the front for a full on Gothic assault." Full review
"Great Cathedral The inside of the Cathedral is astonishing." Full review
"The present cathedral was begun in 1248 in a self-consciously French style, the choir exterior a pack of flying buttresses...the greatest treasure is a casket of the supposed skulls of the Three Kings"