New Lakshmi LodgevsMasa Guest House
Both New Lakshmi Lodge and Masa Guest House are rated very highly by writers. Overall, Masa Guest House scores marginally higher than New Lakshmi Lodge. Masa Guest House is ranked #25 in Chennai with positive reviews from 1 reviews such as Lonely Planet.
New Lakshmi Lodge
16, Kannet Lane, Egmore, Chennai 600008, India
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
"With small and bare but spotless, pastel-walled rooms spread over four floors around a central parking courtyard, this huge block is not a bad budget choice." Full review
Masa Guest House
89 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002, India
From $0/night
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
"The grotty and windowless abodes here will usually reward a last-ditch effort of finding a room if all other places are full (as they often are)." Full review
Rough Guide
"Cleanish, modern building close to the station with good-value rooms (deluxe र660; a/c र1200), all with attached bathrooms and TV. No advance booking. र520."