Hyatt Regency ChennaivsNew Lakshmi Lodge
Both Hyatt Regency Chennai and New Lakshmi Lodge are recommended by travel writers. On balance, Hyatt Regency Chennai ranks marginally higher than New Lakshmi Lodge. Hyatt Regency Chennai comes in at 72 with recommendations from 1 sources like Lonely Planet.
Hyatt Regency Chennai
365 Anna Salai, Chennai 600018, India
From $42/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
Lonely Planet
"Smart, swish, and bang up to date, this towering, triangular beauty of a hotel is the most central of Chennai's top-end newbies." Full review
New Lakshmi Lodge
16, Kannet Lane, Egmore, Chennai 600008, India
From $0/night
- Room Service
- Family Friendly
Lonely Planet
"With small and bare but spotless, pastel-walled rooms spread over four floors around a central parking courtyard, this huge block is not a bad budget choice." Full review