
Hotel Casa San AgustinvsHotel Capilla del Mar

Both hotels are recommended by professionals. On balance, Hotel Casa San Agustin ranks significantly higher than Hotel Capilla del Mar. Hotel Casa San Agustin has a TripExpert Score of 94 with praise from 7 sources like Fodor's, Lonely Planet and Condé Nast Traveler.

Hotel Casa San Agustin
Centro Calle de la Universidad No.36 - 44, Cartagena 1300, Colombia
From $361/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
  • Laundry Service
  • Concierge
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Jetsetter Jetsetter
"Game-changing city pad in a 17th-century mansion with a hip pool scene, designer interiors and a Miami Beach vibe." Full review
Condé Nast Traveler Condé Nast Traveler
"This old seaside barrio, marked by plazas and winding streets lined with cafés and old stone walls, is a place to simply soak up the atmosphere." Full review
Star Service Star Service
"This comfortable hotel blends history and elegance well, which is a solid trait in this beautiful city." Full review
Staffers are also slow to respond to advance special requests.
Afar Magazine Afar Magazine
"Staying at the Casa San Agustin was a dream. This small luxurious hotel is tucked away from the bustling street activity, and has amenities that could quite possibly keep you from leaving the place." Full review
The Telegraph The Telegraph
"At the heart of Cartagena’s handsome old town, the historic Casa San Agustin, designed around a 300-year old aqueduct, offers a characterful refuge from the sun-soaked city." Full review
Oyster Oyster
"In a town with boutique hotels around every corner, the four-pearl Hotel Casa San Agustin outshines most of its competitors." Full review
Mr & Mrs Smith Mr & Mrs Smith
"A standing testament to Colombia’s colourful history, Hotel Casa San Agustin’s three colonial-era buildings have been re-imagined as an urban boutique retreat." Full review
Hideaway Report Hideaway Report
"Romantic hotel in three whitewashed buildings trimmed with wood balconies facing a diminutive plaza across from the University of Cartagena." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Despite growing competition, the 30-room Casa San Augustin, which opened in 2012, is Cartagena’s most desirable small hotel." Full review
Forbes Travel Guide Forbes Travel Guide
"In the heart of Cartagena’s historic center, beautifully preserved Casa San Agustin offers a historically rich and luxurious stay" Full review
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Hotel Capilla del Mar
Bocagrande, Carrera 1ra. No. 8 -12, Cartagena 3939, Colombia
From $98/night
  • Pet Friendly
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Hot Tub
  • Free Internet
  • Room Service
  • Free Breakfast
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Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
"This high-class hotel boasts a revolving rooftop bar and a 22nd-floor swimming pool overlooking the sea."

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