The Bar/Lounge at Ovolo Nishi
Hotel Hotel's bar/lounge is recommended by professional reviewers. Out of 4 reviews that we monitored, 3 acknowledged the bar/lounge, including Lonely Planet, Mr & Mrs Smith and Condé Nast Traveler.
Ovolo Nishi
Lonely Planet
Mr & Mrs Smith
Condé Nast Traveler
"Reception is filled with nooks, crannies and mini-libraries, and Hotel Hotel's Monster Kitchen & Bar is equally interesting"
"The only mix-up comes when we go to drink a bottle of riesling from the minibar on Saturday afternoon and the one we drank the night before hasn’t been replaced"
"The drama continues in a lobby of untreated concrete, punctured with round skylights and softened with supple leather loungers, shaggy stools, and bespoke artwork"