Hungarian National Gallery (Magyar Nemzeti Galeria)
6 expert reviews
“With a collection of more than 10,000 art objects, this museum is not for the cultural faint of heart.”
– Frommer's
"This art collection is the raison d'être for several sections of the Royal Palace located at the top of Castle Hill."
Top choice
"The Hungarian National Gallery is an overwhelming collection spread across four floors that traces Hungarian art from the 11th century to the present." Full review
"Spread across four wings (and four floors) of the Royal Palace, this national gallery exhibits Hungarian fine art, from medieval ecclesiastical paintings, statues, and triptychs, through..." Full review
"Living in the Buda Castle, the Hungarian National Gallery is the king of Budapest, and unlike many before its time, its rule is just about perfect." Full review
2 Stars
"This museum is devoted to Hungarian painting and sculpture from the Middle Ages to the 20C." Full review