Hotel Carpati BucurestivsCapital Plaza
Both Hotel Carpati Bucuresti and Capital Plaza are recommended by professionals. On balance, Hotel Carpati Bucuresti scores significantly better than Capital Plaza. Hotel Carpati Bucuresti has a TripExpert Score of 83 with recommendations from 3 reviews like Lonely Planet, Frommer's and Rough Guide.
Hotel Carpati Bucuresti
Str. Matei Millo 16, Bucharest, Romania
From $21/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Restaurant
- Air Conditioning
- Baggage storage
- 24-hour front desk
"Built in the 1920s, this six-floor hotel has assorted clean guest rooms, with or without en suite bathrooms." Full review
Lonely Planet
"This popular backpacker option in an old early-20th-century landmark hotel exudes a kind of communist-era charm." Full review
Rough Guide
"The only real budget hotel in the downtown area, with a great central location to boot; numerous different rooms, including singles and doubles with and without bathrooms and TVs."
Capital Plaza
54 Iancu de Hunedoara Bd, Bucharest 011745, Romania
From $49/night
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
- Restaurant
Rough Guide
"A 10min walk from both Piaţa Romană and Piaţa Victoriei, this mid-sized hotel offers real comfort in handsome, generously sized rooms decorated in subtle greens and browns."