
Huyze HertsbergevsHotel Marcel

Both properties are highly recommended by professional travelers. On balance, Huyze Hertsberge is the choice of most reviewers compared to Hotel Marcel. Huyze Hertsberge comes in at #52 in Bruges with endorsements from 1 sources like Lonely Planet.

Huyze Hertsberge
Hertsbergestraat 8, Bruges 8000, Belgium
From $0/night
  • Free Internet
  • Minibar
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The Telegraph The Telegraph
"Grand, spacious and relaxed, this luxury b&b feels a bit like a rambling country house... with a garden overlooking the city’s prettiest stretch of canal. " Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"The four guest rooms are comfortably grand, each with at least partial views of the tranquil little canalside garden." Full review
Hotel Marcel
Niklaas Desparsstraat 7-9, Bruges 8000, Belgium
From $118/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Multilingual
  • Air Conditioning
  • Breakfast buffet
  • Baggage storage
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Fodor's Fodor's
"Rooms are also relatively cheap by Brugge standards, although try and bag one on the top floor, which command excellent views of the Belfort." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"The real wow factor here is from the superb photographs that cover some of ceilings: they depict the wood and stone vaults of some of Bruges's most iconic buildings" Full review

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