Jacobs HotelvsHotel Rose Red
Both Jacobs Hotel and Hotel Cordoeanier are endorsed by professional travelers. Overall, Hotel Cordoeanier is preferred by most reviewers compared to Jacobs Hotel. Hotel Cordoeanier has a TripExpert Score of 72 with praise from 2 sources such as EuroCheapo, Frommer's.
Jacobs Hotel
Baliestraat 1, Bruges 8000, Belgium
From $53/night
- Pet Friendly
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Free Parking
- Multilingual
DK Eyewitness
"This good-value and intimate hotel is located in the quiet Saint-Gillis neighbourhood."
"With its location on a quiet street and its typical redbrick exterior with steep gables, the Jacobs is good for those who want a neighborhood experience." Full review
"With its location on a quiet street and its typical redbrick exterior with steep gables, the Jacobs is good for those who want a neighborhood experience" Full review
Hotel Rose Red
Cordoeaniersstraat 16 - 18, Bruges B 8000, Belgium
From $63/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Multilingual
- Breakfast buffet
"Down a winding street just off Philipstockstraat and a very short walk to both the Markt and Burg, the Cordoeanier is about as central as you can get for a hotel in its class and price range." Full review
"The Hotel Cordoeanier is a budget travel standby – a 22-room family-run hotel one block north of the Markt Square." Full review