
Mango Bay ResortvsRhymers Beach Hotel

Both Mango Bay Resort and Rhymers Beach Hotel are rated very highly by professional reviewers. Overall, Mango Bay Resort scores significantly higher than Rhymers Beach Hotel. Mango Bay Resort has a TripExpert Score of 79 with praise from 5 reviewers like Lonely Planet, Star Service and Frommer's.

Mango Bay Resort
Mahoe Bay, Virgin Gorda
From $0/night
  • Free Internet
  • Family Friendly
  • Free Parking
  • Kitchenette
  • Air Conditioning
  • Beach
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Fodor's Fodor's
"Sitting seaside on Virgin Gorda's north coast, this collection of contemporary condos and villas will make you feel right at home." Full review
DK Eyewitness DK Eyewitness
"The villas are individually decorated in tropical style and come complete with complimentary kayaks and snorkeling equipment."
Star Service Star Service
"This small, welcoming villa property on Mahoe Bay, on a leeward stretch of sandy beach fringing Sir Francis Drake Channel, is a mirror image of neighboring Paradise Beach Resort." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Nestled on lushly landscaped grounds, these resort villas are set on a ridiculously beautiful beach around a ridiculously beautiful blue lagoon" Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Located on the tranquil beach at Mahoe Bay, this lush and quiet resort is a compound of 12 Italian-style duplex villas." Full review
Rhymers Beach Hotel
Cane Garden Bay, Tortola
From $0/night
  • Bar/Lounge
  • Free Internet
  • Laundry Service
  • Restaurant
  • Free Parking
  • Kitchenette
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Frommer's Frommer's
"This comfortable, unpretentious miniresort is composed of a low-slung pink building next to a white-sand beach on the island's north shore." Full review
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Smack on the beach and right in the center of the action, Rhymer’s was one of the area’s first inns." Full review

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