
Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore vs Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano

Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore and Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano are both highly recommended by those who travel for a living. On balance, Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano scores significantly better than Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore. Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano ranks #1 in Bologna with recommendations from 4 sources such as Frommer's, Concierge and Lonely Planet.

Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore
Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore
8 / 10
Piazza Rossini, Bologna
From $0 /night
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
"Houses a noteworthy collection of paintings and artefacts." Full review
The highlight is the Bentivoglio chapel with frescoes
Frommer's Frommer's
"This treasure-filled church was a Gothic structure built between 1267 and 1315 by the Augustinians." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
0 Stars
"Embellished with a lovely Renaissance gallery, this 13C church houses the splendid Bentivoglio chapel, decorated in part by Lorenzo Costa, from Ferrara, and adorned with the Virgin." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"This little church was founded in the 13th C. and remodeled in the 15th C., and it contains a remarkable series of frescoes." Full review
Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano
Basilica - Santuario di Santo Stefano
9 / 10
Piazza Santo Stefano, Bologna
From $0 /night
Concierge Concierge
"A magnificent complex of churches, cloisters, and courtyards dating back to the fifth century."
Lonely Planet Lonely Planet
Top Choice
"Not just another church, the Santo Stefano is a rather unique (and atmospheric) medieval religious complex." Full review
Fodor's Fodor's
"This splendid and unusual basilica contains between four and seven connected churches (authorities differ)." Full review
Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
1 Star
"This complex of religious buildings (originally seven) overlooks a beautiful square lined with Renaissance palazzi." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"Bologna’s most storied religious site is actually seven churches, a stone maze of medieval apses, romantic porticos and courtyards awash in legend" Full review