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Greenbank Guest House and Cottages
17 Salt Kettle Rd., PG BX, Bermuda
From $280/night
- Free Internet
- Laundry Service
- Free Parking
- Kitchenette
- Air Conditioning
- Ironing service
"A stay at Greenbank is a slow, relaxed experience. There's no beach here. Instead, you sit out on the harborfront lawn and take in the sun, or use the private dock for deepwater swimming. " Full review
Lonely Planet
"Located in the tranquil Salt Kettle neighborhood, this guesthouse is right near the commuter ferry that whisks passengers across the bay to Hamilton." Full review
Condé Nast Traveler
"The old-school vibe and quiet surroundings make this place popular with solace seekers looking for a classically Bermudian stay." Full review
What's there that we should be sure to check out?
"This charming guesthouse stands at the water’s edge in Salt Kettle, just across the bay from the City of Hamilton." Full review
"Its atmosphere is relaxed and its service personal. Rooms vary in size, but many of them feature water views from the bedrooms; they’re outfitted with simple wood furnishings" Full review