Kingston House B&BvsFourways Inn
Both properties are recommended by writers. On balance, Fourways Inn is preferred by most reviewers compared to Kingston House B&B. Fourways Inn ranks #14 in Bermuda with recommendations from 2 reviews like Fodor's, Frommer's.
Kingston House B&B
5 Turnstile Lane, Hamilton HM 06, Bermuda
From $0/night
- Hot Tub
- Free Internet
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Pool
"A real gem just outside of downtown Hamilton, Kingston House B&B is a four-room charmer whose owners treat guests like family." Full review
There’s a small outdoor pool and a guest lounge with a fireplace, but many guests choose to spend their days off property.
Lonely Planet
Top choice
"A 10-minute walk from Hamilton, this stone house peeks through the lush gardens that surround it like some coquettish ingenue." Full review
Fourways Inn
1 Middle Rd, PG BX, Bermuda
From $176/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
"With a top-notch restaurant on-site, this pleasant cottage colony comes to life at meal times; for the rest of the day, lose yourself in Fourways' quiet solitude and endless hospitality." Full review
"This posh little place feels like a secret hideaway. Pink-sided and airy, these Bermudian cottages occupy well-maintained gardens...there’s a freshwater pool on site." Full review