Alte Nationalgalerie
5 expert reviews
“This wide collection of mostly German fin de siécle and early 20th-century art does special justice to masters like Adolph Menzel, whose Realist canvases are all over the first floor.”
– Let's Go
"One of Berlin’s most important art museums, the Alte Nationalgalerie, or Old National Gallery, is one of five museums located on the city’s famed Museum Island." Full review
2 Stars
"This museum designed by Friedrich August Stüler exhibits 19C art." Full review
"Perched high on its base and looking like an ancient Greek temple, this museum is known for its collection of 19th-century German and French and European Impressionists." Full review
"The permanent exhibit here is home to an outstanding collection of 18th-, 19th-, and early-20th-century paintings and sculpture, by the likes of Cézanne, Rodin, Degas, and one of Germany's most famous portrait artists, Max Liebermann" Full review