Los Pabellones de la Finca Guell
5 expert reviews
“A short stroll from the Jardins del Palau de Pedralbes are the stables and porter’s lodge designed by Gaudí for the Finca Güell, as the Güell estate here was called.”
– Lonely Planet
"The Finca Güell, the country estate of Eusebi Güell, features three works by Gaudí, the industrialist's favorite architect." Full review
1 Star
"In these former stables, converted by Gaudí , you can admire the remarkable wrought iron grille decorated with a dragon." Full review
"Work on the Finca began in 1883 as an extension of Count Eusebi Güell's family estate. Gaudí, the count's architect of choice, was commissioned to do the gardens and the two entrance..." Full review