Erawan Shrine (Thao Mahaprom Shrine)
6 expert reviews
“Thais seamlessly fuse modernity with spirit beliefs. This ability is encapsulated at the frenetic, smoky Hindu shrine to Brahma.”
– Time Out
"The Erawan Shrine is not old, but it is an interesting testament to the belief in spirits, in Thai society." Full review
"The mix of burning incense, dancers in traditional dress, and many people praying is a memorable sight." Full review
"One of the most famous shrines in all of Thailand—and a place where your prayers are most likely to be heard." Full review
"A shrine built to combat the bad karma of a commercial venture. " Full review
"The Erawan Shrine is not old, but it is an interesting testament to the belief in spirits in Thai society...worshipers wafting bunches of incense and praying for success in love crowd the area. " Full review