Musee du Petit Palais

Top 1% of attractions in Avignon
9 / 10

5 expert reviews

“Later works here include Sandro Botticelli's Virgin and Child, and Venetian paintings by Vittore Carpaccio and Giovanni Bellini. ”

– Fodor's

Michelin Guide Michelin Guide
2 Stars
"It now houses the Petit Palais Museum's paintings, of which the Campana Collection of Italian paintings from the 13C and 16C is the high point." Full review
Frommer's Frommer's
"An ideal complement to the Palais des Papes’ architectural austerity, this museum’s artworks were originally part of a collection belonging to 19th-century art lover Giampietro Campania" Full review
Travel + Leisure Travel + Leisure
"Musée du Petit Palais boasts an impressive collection of Renaissance paintings, from local papals to those brought by Italian clergy."