Grand Millennium AucklandvsThe Captain's Landing
Both hotels are rated highly by professional travelers. On balance, The Captain's Landing ranks slightly better than Grand Millennium Auckland. The Captain's Landing has a TripExpert Score of 70 with recommendations from 1 reviewers like Frommer's.
Grand Millennium Auckland
71 Mayoral Drive, Auckland Central 1010, New Zealand
From $147/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Laundry Service
- Concierge
- Laundy Room
Star Service
"A little more than a mile from the harbor, this property is perched on a hill with memorable views of CBD, adjacent to the Aotea Performing Arts Centre." Full review
"The large guest rooms are elegantly furnished, with striped bed linens, sofas, writing desks, and well-equipped bathrooms (custom-made bath pillows are a thoughtful touch)." Full review
"High-end amenities welcome visitors at this Central Business District hotel."
The Captain's Landing
22 King Edward Parade, Devonport 0744, New Zealand
From $0/night
- Free Internet
- Free Parking
- Refrigerator
"The Captain’s Landing promises single party booking so you’re guaranteed to get a beautifully appointed bedroom...and your own sitting room in this modern home on Devonport’s waterfront." Full review