Terruno de YarabayavsLa Casa De Sillar
Both Terruno de Yarabaya and La Casa De Sillar are rated very highly by professional travelers. Overall, Terruno de Yarabaya ranks marginally higher than La Casa De Sillar. Terruno de Yarabaya ranks #10 in Arequipa with recommendations from 1 reviewers like Lonely Planet.
Terruno de Yarabaya
Lonely Planet
Desaguadero 104 - 106, Arequipa 01, Peru
From $0/night
"What a difference a garden makes." Full review
La Casa De Sillar
Lonely Planet
504 Rivero, Arequipa, Peru
From $15/night
- Bar/Lounge
- Free Internet
- Room Service
- Free Breakfast
- Shuttle Bus
- Laundry Service
"Doesn’t pretend to be boutique, but it does offer a fine bargain, especially if you’re prepared to share a bathroom. Huge maps and an equally huge TV adorn a communal lounge." Full review