Nieuwe Kerk
9 expert reviews
“The church holds sepulchral monuments for many of Holland's most revered poets, among them Joost van den Vondel, and naval heroes.”
– Frommer's
"Whereas the Oude Kerk had the blessing of the Bishop of Utrecht, the Nieuwe Kerk was supported by the local well-to-do merchant class." Full review
"The church has a stately arched nave, an elaborately carved altar, a great pipe organ that dates from’s also the venue for a lively program of events and exhibitions." Full review
"Inside, the church is all vaulted ceilings and massive windows...the Nieuwe Kerk is the site of royal inaugurations and some royal weddings. Most of the year, however, the space serves as a museum. " Full review
Don’t miss the intricate organ case designed by Jacob van Campen, architect of the Koninklijk Palace.
2 Stars
"As the city's population grew in the early 16C, the bishop of Utrecht authorised a second place of worship, known as the "New Church"." Full review
"'New’ is a label that has been attached to this church for the past 600 years, by virtue of the fact that Oude Kerk (Old Church) had already been around for three centuries when it was built." Full review
"This beautiful church is the most important in The Netherlands...has a stately arched nave, an elaborately carved altar, a great pipe organ that dates from 1645, noteworthy stained-glass windows" Full review